Welcome to worship through First United Church!
There are so many ways to come close to the holy! We hope you make time regularly to refresh your spirit, learn some and commit some to being some of the visible presence of love in this world!
You can join us in the sanctuary in person each week or catch up with us on-line anytime. Worship is at 10:30 am, Sunday in person and live-streamed to Facebook and You-Tube.  There are also a number of services and Godly Play stories already on line for you to check out. 
Thank you for making time to nurture your spirit and add to the goodness in Creation!
You can read over the print version for upcoming Sunday service below.
If you’re going to be traveling and want to check out other United Churches …
The United Church of Canada offers a map of all the UCC congregations across Canada who are on-line.
Thank you for worshiping with us. If you’d like to know more about First United, you can call our office at 780-352-2157; check us out on Facebook at First United, Wetaskiwin or on this web page. Worship and Godly Play videos can also be found on our You-Tube channel (firstunitedwetaskiwin). 

First United Church is a  registered charitable organization. This ministry is made possible by the generous donations of people like you! Tax receipts are issued for all contributions to this ministry. Find out more on “Contact Us – Donate”
First United Church, Wetaskiwin – April 14th – 3rd Sunday in Easter
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live and live-streamed to both Facebook and You-Tube on Sunday,  April 14th, beginning at 10:20 pm and worship at 10:30 pm. Links are provided below and should be active by 1 pm on Sunday.
COMING CLOSE TO THE LIGHT    You’re invited to take a deep breath, and make space for the Spirit.
GATHERING MUSIC #166 Voices United    “Joy Comes with the Dawn” vs 2
Refrain Joy comes with the dawn; joy comes with the morning sun;
Joy springs from the tomb and scatters the night with her song, joy comes with the dawn.
Sorrow will turn, sorrow will turn into song, and God’s laughter make us strong. Refrain
CALL TO WORSHIP    A guided meditation with breath – use lots of pauses
Find a comfortable space in your pew, feet on the floor, hands open on your lap
Close your eyes…. relax… breathe in…. breathe out….
As you breathe… feel the breeze on your face, let the breeze draw you to your favourite outdoor spot
feel the warmth of sun on your face … notice the smells, pine trees or water, campfires or bbq’s
what do you see as you look around?
Feel again the breeze, … feel it on your face… on your hands… in your hair…
Notice how fresh it is… Let it blow away the dust of your daily routine…
Let it blow away the tension, … the worries… the doubts…
Let it fill you with peace… feel it swell within you to joy… Feel the breeze around you and within you…
It is God’s gift of life to you…. to all creation…. It is God’s spirit come to bless you and to guide you…
Enjoy God’s breath of love… When you are ready to join in worship,
Come back to this space, knowing that wherever you are… God waits to breathe new life into you.
Come to us Spirit of Peace. Breach the hidden places of our soul. Touch our fears with Your hope. Breathe peace into our longing. Gather up our questions and fears, our doubts and belief. Draw us more deeply into the mystery of resurrection discipleship. Send us out to be Your Easter people! In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

HYMN #382 Voices United    “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” verses 1 – 3
Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew,
That I may love what thou dost love and do what thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, breath of God, until my heart is pure,
Until my will is one with thine, to do and to endure.
Breath one me, breath of God, till I am wholly thine,
Until this earthly part of me glows with thy fire divine.
SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 63 p. 781 VU with Refrain #2, John 20:19 – 31
HYMN #185 Voices United    “You Tell Me that the Lord is Risen” verses 1 – 3
You tell me that the Lord is Risen, that you have seen his face.
Then tell me why you crouch in fear and hide within this place.
You say that he spoke words of peace and stood just as before,
But ‘til I touch his very flesh I will not trust your joy.
You claim a resurrection here, that God has broken death,
No easy words like these will sooth the pain that tears my breath.
How well do I recall his face, compassion, strength in fear.
How deep my grief that he should die. Spare me your words of cheer.
“Now peace be with you. Come, my friend, my wounded body see.
Let the rich courage of your doubt bring you to fresh belief.
Fear not to wonder at the Word, to search the depths of grace.
Reach out and atouch, here is my hand. Receive the gift of faith.”
Resurrection God…breathe your peace through creation.
Holy Mystery Your love is stronger than death,
You know the situations of our living, the wounds of our existence. Breathe your peace upon us. Open our hearts to the wonder and beauty of your world, when suffering threatens to overwhelm us. Unlock the closed places in our lives, break through disbelief, help us to recognize You in the scars between our relationships. Thank You God for the gift of peace, the grace of Your presence and the many people who let Your love flow through them.
Resurrection God…breathe your peace through creation.
Help us to touch gently the hurts of this world. We pray for those who are grieving, for the families and friends of those dead, or injured in conflict situations around the world; and the countless missing or displaced. Keep us mindful of the precious gift that is life. We pray for those who wonder and question. Move through the walls of prejudice and fear and history to call forth new life. May faith in love bring us together rather than divide or isolate us.
Resurrection God…breathe your peace through creation.
We pray for the creatures and this good earth which sustains us all. May we question the politics and economics that pollute our waters, air and landfills. Remind us there is always more to life than our limited vision offers. Resurrection God…breathe your peace through creation.
Holy Mystery, You are always with us, and we are thankful that You do not leave us alone, to wait in fear. Send us out this day to be Your hands and Your heart, people of faith. We pray in Jesus’ name, who taught his friends to pray together singing…

THE LORD’S PRAYER #959 Voices United

YOUR GENEROSITY MATTERS    “Healing Through Storytelling”

HYMN #396 Voices United    “Jesus, Stand Among Us”
Jesus stand among us in your risen power; Let this time of worship be a hallowed hour.
Breath the Holy Spirit into every heart; bid the fears and sorrows from each soul depart.
Lead our hearts to wisdom till our doubting cease, and to all assembled speak your word of peace.
CHANGING THE LIGHT    May the Light of Easter goes with you …
Listen to God’s breath within, It is the stirring of belief.
Voice your questions and doubts, They are the making of faith.
Touch the scars and wounds, They are the place of resurrection.
Peace be with you. Love heal you. The Spirit guide you, Now and always.
Hallelujah and Amen!
ON THE WAY #884 Voices United     “You Shall Go Out with Joy” (x 2)
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth before you;
There’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap, will clap their hands!
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands, trees of the field will clap their hands,
The trees of the field will clap their hands while you go out with joy.
I wonder what questions have helped your faith grow?
First United Church, Wetaskiwin – April 7th, 2024
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live and live-streamed to both Facebook and You-Tube on Sunday,  April 7th, beginning at 10:20 pm and worship at 10:30 pm. Links are provided below and should be active by 1 pm on Sunday.
COMING CLOSE TO THE LIGHT   You’re invited to take a deep breath, and make space for the Spirit.
GATHERING MUSIC #166 Voices United     “Joy Comes with the Dawn”
Refrain Joy comes with the dawn; joy comes with the morning sun;
Joy springs from the tomb and scatters the night with her song, joy comes with the dawn.
Weeping may come; weeping may come in the night, when dark shadows cloud our sight. Refrain
Sorrow will turn, sorrow will turn into song, and God’s laughter make us strong. Refrain
We will rejoice, we will rejoice, and give praise to the One who brings us grace. Refrain
We gather to worship, open to the Spirit’s guidance.
Wherever we are, God is already there.
We come from many places, drawn by Christ’s love.
Wherever we go, God is already there.
We offer to God our joy, our sorrow, our questions and dreams.
Whoever we are, God welcomes us to this place,
Where there is healing and hope for all.
Thanks be to God!
Holy Stranger in our midst, surprise us again with Your presence. We travel a long and winding road through grief to resurrection. Warm our hearts with the wonder of Your word. Strengthen our hospitality until it reflects Your love and grace. Grant that we may truly see, and in seeing – trust; and in trusting – follow. In the name of the Risen Christ. Amen.
HYMN #121 More Voices “Hey Now, Singing Hallelujah!” vss 1, 2, 5
Refrain Hey now! Singing hallelujah! Hey now! The morning has come!
Hey now! Singing hallelujah! The tomb was empty at the rising sun.
Jesus loved people and he made them friends. Hey now, the tomb was empty.
He called to the children and the women and men. Hey now, the tomb was empty. Refrain
Jesus healed people and he helped them be well. Hey now, the tomb was empty.
He taught about God in the stories he’d tell. Hey now, the tomb was empty. Refrain
Jesus loves people and he lives again! Hey now, the tomb was empty.
Calls us disciples and he calls us his friends. Hey now, the tomb was empty. Refrain
SCRIPTURE READINGS Psalm 84 p. 800 VU with Refrain, Luke 24:13 – 16, 28 – 35
HYMN #184 Voices United    “As We Walked Home at Close of Day” verses 1 – 3
As we walked home at close of day, a stranger joined us on our way.
He heard us speak of one who’d gone, and when we stopped, he carried on.
“Why wander further without light? Please stay with us this troubled night.
We’ve shared the truth of how we feel and now would like to share a meal.”
We sat to eat our simple spread, then watched the stranger take the bread;
And, as he said the blessing prayer, we know that someone else was there.
GOOD NEWS     “Where to begin?”
Risen Christ … Reveal Your love through us.
Welcome Stranger, journey with us this day and all days. Thank you for the countless people who have accompanied us, believed in us, comforted and encouraged us. Thank you for the gift to be that presence to others. Thank you for freedom and resources to travel. Keep us mindful of how our travel affects this earth and the very air we breathe. Teach us your balance between taking and giving.
Risen Christ … Reveal Your love through us.
Gracious Host, gather up our broken-ness and bless us to Your purpose. We give thanks that you join us on this journey of life. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us, for minds engaged to learn new things, for places of rest and sanctuary, for meals shared and blessings given and received. Turn us back to Your way, rejoicing.
Risen Christ … Reveal Your love through us.
Crucified Christ, we pray for all those who grieve. Hold tenderly those marking the first Easter, first spring without a loved one. We pray for those who are alone, uncertain of the way, who see no path to hope. Be their steadfast companion, breathing new life, new possibilities into them. Thank you for already being with people and in places where life is a struggle, both those we know about, and those which do not make the news. Show us ways to make a positive difference in this world You love. We pray for all of us who gather here. Grant us eyes of faith, bless us to imagine new possibilities, give us the courage to welcome the strangers in our midst.
Risen Christ … Reveal Your love through us.
Spirit of life, you call us to this journey of faith. To be alert to new hopes waiting to be seen. The way begins with ordinary acts of kindness, sharing a meal, talking with a stranger, sharing good news. May we look around as Jesus did, with the love of God in our view. We add our voices to generations of faithful in a sung version of the words Jesus taught his friends…

Sung THE LORD’S PRAYER #959 Voices United

YOUR GENEROSITY MATTERS   “Supporting a Right’s-based Approach to Growing Food”

HYMN #88 More Voices    “Over My Head” verses 1 – 3
Refrain Over my head, I hear music in the air. (x3) There must be a God somewhere!
When the storms of life are ragin’ I hear music in the air, (x3) Refrain
When the winds of strife are blowin’, I hear music in the air (x3) Refrain
When the tide of hate is risin’, I hear music in the air (x3) Refrain
Travel with Christ, this day and all days.
May our eyes be open, our hearts untied, our minds unlocked.
May you find hospitality and share hope.
We go with joy, sustained by the Spirit,
Peace be with you. Love heal you. The Spirit guide you, Now and always.
Hallelujah and Amen!
ON THE WAY #884 Voices United   “You Shall Go Out with Joy” (x 2)
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth before you;
There’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap, will clap their hands!
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands, trees of the field will clap their hands,
The trees of the field will clap their hands while you go out with joy.
Wishing You wonder and courage as you live your faith!
First United Church, Wetaskiwin – 10:30 am, March 31st, 2024
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to both Facebook and You-Tube beginning with announcements at 10:20 am and worship at 10:30 am,  Sunday, March 31st.  Links are provided below and should be active by 1 pm, Sunday.  You may want to have bread and grape juice for  communion if you’re worshiping online.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!
We come to the tomb expecting death and find life.
The stone is rolled away. And we, like the women know fear and wonder.
[the Christ candle is lit]
Even when we run from God,
God does not abandon us.
Love is stronger than death. Fear, like the stone, is rolled away.
In sharing the good news, we are changed.
Today we celebrate: new life, new joy, new possibilities – God’s covenant is for life.
Alleluia! Christ is risen.
CALL TO WORSHIP #155 Voices United    “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” verses 1 ,2 & 4
Jesus Christ is risen today, hallelujah! Our triumphant holy day, hallelujah!
Who did once upon the cross, hallelujah! Suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah!
Hymns of praise then let us sing, hallelujah! Unto Christ, our heavenly king, hallelujah!
Who endure the cross and grave, hallelujah! Sinners to redeem and save. Hallelujah!

Sing we to our God above, hallelujah! Praise eternal as God’s love, hallelujah!
Praise our God, ye heavenly host, hallelujah! Praise the Son and Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

Heart’s Delight, startle us with Your glory. Like the women we greet this day, expecting grief, finding hope; hoping for calm, stumbling into wonder. Be with us as we worship. Prod us into resurrection. Lead us into life beyond death. Strengthen our eyes to behold Your vision. Send us out among the living to proclaim the good news. Christ is risen! Hallelujah and Amen!

DISCOVERY CIRCLE    “Knowing Jesus in a New Way – Absence” (Based on John 20)
HYMN #175 Voices United    “This is the Day”
Refrain This is the day that God has made! Rejoice! Rejoice! And be exceeding glad!
This is the day that God has made! Rejoice, rejoice, Hallelujah!
Christ has conquered death at last, left the tomb that held him fast!
Gone the sorrow, gone the night, dawns the morning clear and bright! Refrain
Jesus lives who once was dead, lives forever, as he said!
Risen now our Saviour, King; songs of gladness let us sing. Refrain
SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 118 parts 2 & 3, p. 837 with Refrain
Sisters and brothers this is the joyful feast of the people of God. In the bread broken there is healing.
In the cup poured out there is new life.
Come and take your places in the body of Christ, Risen and active in the world.
Come and celebrate resurrection and the promise of hope.
Come join in the dance of faith and the song of joy.
This is the Lord’s table, not the table of the United Church, all who profess faith in Christ are welcome here in thanksgiving, joy and praise.
Christ is risen…He is risen indeed!
… The Peace of Christ be with you! And also with you!
HYMN #468 Voices United    “Let us Talents and Tongues Employ”
Let us talents and tongues employ, reaching out with a shout of joy;
Bread is broken, the wine is poured, Christ is spoken and seen and heard.
Refrain Jesus lives again earth can breathe again, pass the word around: loaves abound! (X 2)
Christ is able to make us one, at the table he sets the tone,
Teaching people to live to bless, love in word and in deed express. Refrain
Jesus calls us in, sends us out, bearing fruit in a world of doubt,
Gives us love to tell, bread to share: God (Immanuel) everywhere! Refrain
God, You are with us!
Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
We open our lives to Your transforming love.
In hope and joy we turn to You!
In thanksgiving, let us celebrate Christ in our midst!
We welcome the Christ who lives within and between us.
Blessed are You, God of Good Friday suffering and Easter joy. We give thanks that You are with us and call us to life in Your name.
With Your breath You formed all that we are,
And all that is beyond us. The heavens tell of Your glory.
Through tear-filled days and aching nights when the powers of death have done their worst,
Your love will never dessert us.
Even when we turn away from You, You are with us.
Your presence never fails us, and Your gifts of hope and new life transform us.
We praise You for Jesus Christ, Risen to live, eternal as Your love.
With the women at the tomb, We raise the strain of gladness.
Hallelujah! Life is stronger than death!
This is the day of resurrection, fear and gloom have fled. So we join our song to all creation.
[MV #203]
O Holy, holy, holy God, O God of time and space, All the earth and sea and sky above
Bear witness to Your grace. Hosanna in the highest heav’n, Creation sings Your praise.
And blessed is the One who comes and bears Your name always!
Ancient of Days, in Jesus of Nazareth, we recognize the fullness of Your grace:
Light, life and love revealed in words that confront and comfort us;
In teachings that challenge and change us, in compassion that heals and frees us.
We gather at this table to remember, to be strengthened till our worship turns to witness.
We remember all those with whom Jesus would have us share this feast…
We pray for those in sorrow or in pain… Those who are ill or alone…
For those who live with fear, oppression, or hunger…
All whom the world counts as last and least.
We pray for Christ’s church and its varied ministries…
For nations as they strive for peace and justice…
For our families and friends…
For the healing of our lands, waters and skies…
Together may our lives proclaim the mystery of faith:
[MV #204]
Sing Christ has died and Christ is risen, Christ will come again! [repeat]
Holy Spirit come into our lives. Breathe new life into these symbols of bread and cup. Bind us together in one body as your hope-filled people. May we go from this place strengthened to proclaim the good news! [MV #205]
Amen! Amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen! [repeat]
… These are the gifts of God, for the people of God.
Thanks be to God!
Come and feast at the resurrection table!
Life giving God, may we who share Christ’s body, live his risen life. We, whom the Spirit lights, give light to the world. Keep us firm in the hope that You have set before us. We are the body of Christ and we pray in the words Jesus taught us saying, Our Father, who art in heaven,…. Amen.
HYMN #25 Klusmeier Vol. 2 “Roll the Stone Away”
Go into the world to seek the lost And comfort the broken-hearted.
We are a resurrection people!
Go rejoicing in the love of God which has already claimed you
We carry with us the peace of Christ and the promise of the Spirit.
Go into every place and every day brimming with the love of God. Be graceful in Spirit, hopeful in word and faithful in deed. Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed! Hallelujah and Amen!
ON THE WAY #884 Voices United    “You Shall Go Out with Joy” (x 2)
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth before you;
There’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap, will clap their hands!
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands, trees of the field will clap their hands,
The trees of the field will clap their hands while you go out with joy.
First United Church, Wetaskiwin – 10:30 am,  March 29th, 2024
God calls us to create a community of faith where all are welcome and encouraged to participate fully: no matter where you’re from, when you were born, however you self-identify, whom you love,
or what you believe.
This service was live-streamed to both Facebook and You-Tube at 10:30 am,  Good Friday, March 29th.  Links are provided below and active by 1 pm, Friday.
COMING CLOSE TO THE LIGHT  You’re invited to take a deep breath and make space for the Spirit.
SCRIPTURE READING    Mark 14:32 – 50 (The 1st candle is extinguished.)
HYMN #133 Voices United     “Go to Dark Gethsemane” vs 1 (seated)
Go to dark Gethsemane, you that feel the tempter’s power;
Your Redeemer’s conflict see; watch with him one bitter hour;
Turn not from his grief away: learn from him to watch and pray.
Come – to worship, to wonder, to follow.
We would deepen our relationship with the Holy.
Come aside and mourn awhile.
In the shadows that lengthen around us, the stench of death and fear are strong.
Could love be stronger still?
It would be easier to turn away, to immerse ourselves in Easter festivities,
But we watch, and wonder. There is so much hatred and destruction in the world,
Bullies and prejudice. And we watch and think there is nothing we can do.
And Christ is dying still. And we are here.

Why have we forsaken you?

God of humility gather us in. Into this sacred space, in this sacred moment we pause to recall a story of faith that is not just then but now. We gather amidst the manipulative powers of this world, in our human frailty, confronted with cruelty and malice. And You offer us grace, forgiveness, peace. Grant us courage to accept Your gift, to cling to hope and remain steadfast in the way of love. In our singing, sighing, weeping, praying, living, may we remember who You are, and who we are called to be, in Christ’s name. Amen.


Bearing Witness
Okay, so I don’t know exactly what he said, but he certainly said something about the temple. We all heard him, even though we were at the back. It was a bit hard to decipher because the crowd was a bit testy by that stage. They were bickering and belly-aching about him. But they were definitely talking about what it was that he said about the temple. So when I was asked by the chief priest what I’d heard, I told them. He said something about destroying the temple. Well, that’s what they said they’d heard, and they just needed a couple of witnesses to say what they’d heard. And since I was there, and had heard it, I told them what I’d heard. As true as I’m standing here, that’s what I heard.
When we listen to hearsay and don’t bother to search for veracity,
Forgive us, God of truth   (A 2nd candle is extinguished.)
* HYMN #119 Voices United    “When We are Tempted” vss 1 & 2
When we are tempted to deny your Son, because we fear the anger of the world,
And we are few who bear the insults hurled, your will, O God, be done.
When we are tempted to betray your Son, because he leads us in a harder way,
And makes demands we don not want to pay, your will, O God, be done.
SCRIPTURE READINGS    Mark 14:66 – 72
Speaking Truth
I don’t like people who lie. And I don’t like people who accuse me of lying. I am not a liar. I know he was one of them, one of those who followed Jesus. I have seen him with Jesus, not just hanging around, as so many do, but right at Jesus’ side, like he was one of his disciples. But he lied. And I don’t like liars. So that’s why I pushed the point. You just shouldn’t lie. And when he started cursing, well, I don’t like cursing either. You shouldn’t curse, or swear a false oath, it’s sinful.
When we fail to speak honestly for the sake of ourselves or others,
Forgive us, God of sincerity.
(A 3rd candle is extinguished.)
* HYMN #132 Voices United    “Bitter was the Night” vss 1-3, 6
Bitter was the night, thought the cock would crow forever.
Bitter was the night before the break of day.
Saw you passing by, told them all I didn’t know you.
Bitter was the night before the break of day.
Told them all a lie, and I told it three times over.
Bitter was the night before the break of day.
Bitter was the night, thought there’d never be a morning.
Bitter was the night, before the break of day.
An Unlikely Grace
Mind-blowing. Impossible. Bizarre! You could have knocked me over with a palm frond. This whole situation is unbelievable. Here I am a free man. I should be hanging at the crossroads, yet another man has taken my place. We are not so different, this Jesus of Nazareth and me. We both speak out against the Roman invaders. We both long for a future when our people will be free. But I have done something about it. You call it murder and anarchy. I call it freedom fighting. But Jesus is more like the prophets of old, more talk than action. He’d rather win the people over with words of tenderness and love. Pity they hate him for it! When we turn away from Your tenderness and love,
Forgive us, God of mercy. (A 4th candle is extinguished.)
Following Orders
This is not my land and these are not my people. I owe them no loyalty. I am a soldier of the Imperial Roman Army and my loyalty is to Caesar, the true prince of peace and Saviour of the world. I have no sympathy for some two-bit rebel from this back alley masquerading as a country. Nor do I care about his fate. He has committed treason by claiming Caesar’s titles and fomenting the people to insurrection. His punishment is death by crucifixion. No questions need to be asked. The law is clear.
When we harden our hearts to the lives and suffering of others,
Forgive us, God of compassion.   (A 5th candle extinguished.)
HYMN #133 Voices United   “Go to Dark Gethsemane” vs 2 (seated)
See him at the judgement hall, beaten, bound, reviled, arraigned;
See him meekly bearing all; love to all his soul sustained.
Shun not suffering, shame or loss, learn from Christ to bear the cross.


Passing By
I was just passing by and noticed something was up. I just had to see what all the ruckus was about. I don’t know him, the guy on the cross. Sure I’ve heard gossip about him, the strange things that have been happening around Galilee. Lame people walking, blind people seeing, and something totally unbelievable about a dead man leaving his grave. No offense, but Galileans aren’t really known for their truth, so I didn’t take much notice. Still he must have done something really bad to get the crowd this worked up. They were shouting abuse and ridiculing him. Telling him to come down off the cross. Demanding that he safe himself. It was quite a spectacle, even more so than most crucifixions. All that fury and passion flying around was infectious. I even joined in a little. Felt like I was doing my part to get rid of a public nuisance, make our community great again.
When we are drawn into acts of injustice without questioning,
Forgive us, God of integrity.   (A 6th candle is extinguished.)
* HYMN #78 More Voices    “God Weeps”
God weeps at love withheld, at strength misused, at children’s innocence abused,
And till we change the way we love, God weeps.
God bleeds at anger’s fist, at trust betrayed, at women battered and afraid,
And till we change the way we win, God bleeds.
God cries at hungry mouths, at running sores, at creatures dying without cause,
And till we change the way we care, God cries.
God waits for stones to melt, for peace to seed, for hearts to hold each other’s need,
And till we understand the Christ, God waits.
SENDING FORTH   Christ Candle is extinguished.
It is finished. The light of the world has been put out.
Into God’s hands we commend our spirit.
May we trust in love, when all else fails. Amen.


THE LORD’S PRAYER   Whispered as the linen is removed and carried out.
Strength for the journey!